Pertussis Booster Vaccination
Dear Parents:
A new California school law requires all students entering 7 thru 8th grades in the coming school year to show proof of a Pertussis booster vaccination before the start of the new school year.
To satisfy the new requirement, your child needs a Tdap Vaccine. This vaccine is important because it protects against 3 diseases, Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis (commonly referred to as whooping cough). Your child has had received DTap as a young child, which protects against the same diseases, but protection wears off over time and it is necessary to get a booster. The new requirement is intended to reduce the spread of Pertussis. California reported its highest number of cases in over 60 years.
Make sure your child gets the Tdap Vaccine since a Td (tetanus, diphtheria) vaccination will not be accepted.
To have your child vaccinated, visit their regular Healthcare provider. If you do not have health insurance or a regular health care provider dial the Los Angeles County Information Line at 211 for referrals for no-cost or low cost vaccine providers.
Each school requires proof of vaccination from your Doctor’s office. Written Verification Signed by Your Doctor.