Service Hours Q&A
How many hours am I required to work and how do I do it?
- All families are required to complete a minimum of 35 hours per year by April 2024. (Certain qualifying events may extend this deadline).
- Hours are logged in and approved by event chairs and the PTO volunteer coordinator. Any outstanding hours at the end of the year will be billed at $35/unfulfilled hour. Updated service hour totals will be posted each quarter under your parish envelope number. Your 35 hours can go towards gala, jog-a-thon, family fun night, working in the classroom, field trips, and other school events.
Do we get service hours?
With the guidance of the Room Parents, each class is responsible for participating in a designated class hosted event during the year. We ask that you serve a minimum of three hours to make this event successful. Your class hosted project hours do not go towards your 35 volunteer hours but require 100% class/parent participation.
TK/Kinder- No formal class project. Parents are asked to assist on the Gala committee for 15 hours. Additional 15 hours worked on various other opportunities throughout the year.
5th – Grandparents Day
6th – Mardi Gras
7th – Baccalaureate Luncheon
8th – Halloween Carnival
Do we get service hours?
With the guidance of the Spiritual Room Parents, each class will also host a Sunday Morning Service. Since this is a service project that benefits our community parish and local homeless shelter, Sunday Morning Service hours do not go towards your 35 volunteer hours but require 100% class/parent participation.
Fundraising Q&A
How much am I required to donate and how do I do it?
All families are required to help the school raise additional funds in support of student educational costs. The minimum amount is $550. Families who fail to meet their fundraising obligation will be billed for the unfulfilled balance in May. Payment is due in June. To meet the requirements, we encourage you to support any of the following events:
- Gala: $100 per family is required in the form of a cash donation, gift donation or sponsorship. Please refer to the gala fundraising guidelines on the website to see how else your financial support at the gala is applied.
- Jog-A-Thon: All collected sponsorships will go towards Fundraising credit
- Golf Tournament: Fundraising credit TBD
*IMPORTANT CHANGE: Please note that Family Fun Night is a community event and not a fundraiser. Any donations made to Family Fun Night will not go towards your $550 requirement.
Does it go towards my $550 requirement?
Each year the school asks the members of the community to contribute to the Faith In Our Future Annual Fund. The purpose of the campaign is to generate funds to cover those expenses that tuition and other fundraisers do not. We ask each family to contribute according to their means but 100% participation from school families is expected because foundations require it for all grant recipients. Over the years, Faith In Our Future donations have funded tuition assistance for families in need, major capital improvements and much more. Your donation will not count towards your $550 requirement.