Make Your Gift to Assumption School Donation Form Salutation * Mr.Ms.Mrs.Dr.Fr.Sr.Hon.Prof. First * Last * ABVM Graduation Year 19__ or 20__ Email Address * Mobile Phone xxx-xxx-xxxx Gift Amount ($) * Is this a new gift or part of an existing pledge? * New Gift Existing Pledge Designation (choose one) * Area of Greatest NeedMarch - Day of GivingTuition AssistanceFacilities ImprovementPerforming ArtsAthleticsProgrammingAnnual Fund2025 Wildfire Fund What inspired your gift today? * Principal's LetterMail AppealEmail AppealPhone AppealFacebook/Instagram or other Social MediaWebsiteRequest from Room Parent/VolunteerEvent Invitation/ParticipationOther What inspired your gift today? Recognition Name * Name as you would like it to appear on the Community of Donors web page. To remain anonymous, type Anonymous Donor. Is this an honor or memorial gift? Honor Gift Memorial Gift None Honoree Name include graduation year if a student or alum i.e. Mark Smile 2020 In Memory Of include graduation year if a student or alum i.e. Mark Smile 2020 A matching gift will be made by If your employer matches gifts, please contact your Human Resources department to inquire about their matching gift policies and obtain a matching gift form. I would like information on how to: include Assumption School in my estate plans. designate and donate appreciated stock or mutual funds. Additional Gift Instructions Thank you for completing the donation form. Please continue to the next page which will direct you to click the PayPal button to make your donation. If you are human, leave this field blank. This form is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Δ