Field Trip Permission Form Please complete the form below. Mandatory fields marked * Field Trip Permission Form Parent/Guardian Signature/Name * Home Phone number * Home Address * Student's Name * Date * The students of Grade will be conducted on a field trip to The students will depart from school on at a.m./p.m. and return to school at a.m./p.m. Transportation to and from the school will be arranged by Appropriate chaperons will be appointed by the school. Students will/will not be bringing a lunch on that day. Students will be wearing dress uniform / casual uniform/ free dress. The educational objectives of the field trip are as follows: I request that my child be permitted to participate in the above field trip. As a condition of being allowed to do so, I hereby release and discharge the school from any and all claims for personal injuries or property damage that my child may suffer as a result of participation in the field trip described above, whether or not such injuries or damage are caused by the negligence (active or passive) of the school or its employees. Should it be necessary for my child to have medical treatment while participating in the trip. I hereby give the school personnel permission to use their judgment in obtaining medical service for my child and I give permission to the physician selected by the school personnel to render medical treatment deemed necessary and appropriate by the physician. I agree to relieve the school and other participating adults from any liability in connection with this request. I understand that my insurance benefits that are effective have limited application. NO STUDENT MAY ATTEND A CLASS FIELD TRIP WITHOUT THIS COMPLETED FIELD TRIP PERMISSION FORM. PERMISSION BY PARENT MAY NOT BE GIVEN OVER THE PHONE. This form is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Δ