A Brief History of Assumption School
In 1958 I was sent to be the next principal at Assumption School. We were still living at Mayfield and commuting each day. At that time the school had grown considerably. One year the total reached 610. We had 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, a combined 1st and 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, a combined 3rd and 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, a combined 5th and 6th Grade, a 7th and 8th Grade – 11 classroom in all. One of our parents, Mrs. McFadden, changed a small spaced room into our first library. In keeping with the traditions of Cornelia Connelly, Founders of the Sisters of Hold Child, Art and Music were always an essential part of the curriculum.
I was deeply moved as I read the present Philosophy of Assumption School. The values held in those first 25 years were held equally as important during these last 25 years. It is also thrilling to note that Nancy McKenna and Fran Maggio still teach at Assumption along with two Assumption’s Alumnae. The spirit is as alive in the school now as it was in the beginning.
From 1967 until 1970 Sister Barbara Mullen was Principal. All kinds of innovations began those three years. In the Fall of 1970 I returned to Assumption as Principal. By the time there was one of each grade allowing us to set up a Science Room, a full size Library and a Language Arts center (two rooms were made into one large room) Nancy McKenna and Sister Elizabeth Butler team taught each class which brought about much creative writing and reading appreciation. Parents continued to play an important part in the school through the Home and School Board and the Parish Council as well as assisting in school projects. Sometime in the sixties the Catholic Diocesan paper published an article about the 100 parents who were giving their time and talents to Assumption School.
Latin was introduced as well as Spanish. We were blessed with wonderful teachers who so prepared the children that some were able to go into 2nd year Spanish and Latin their first year in High School.
The School, as well as the Cathecetical Program, have made a difference to the Parish. Parents continue to appreciate the education their children are receiving and gratefully offer their support. May God’s blessing be upon this wonderful school and may it flourish and bear fruit for many years to come.